Most people spend the majority of their waking hours at work. If you are a spiritual person, it only makes sense that you will want to incorporate the same ideals you apply to the rest of your life to your work life as well.
Unfortunately, it often isn’t as simple as that. When you find yourself surrounded by others who don’t share your beliefs, it can feel like you need to keep your spirituality under wraps. You don’t want to risk damaging your reputation in the office.
There are, however, plenty of ways that you can remain professional while still staying true to your values and spirituality at work.
How to implement workplace spirituality
Your spirituality often lies at the core of everything that you do. It involves a commitment to your value system, and it is critical to nurture that value system both in your private life and in the workplace. As people become busier and our lives become even more work-centric, it is more important than ever to carry our spirituality into the workplace. The following offers suggestions for incorporating your spirituality in the workplace:
1. Connect your work to your value system
Don’t just take a job just because it is high paying and has a lot of benefits. These sorts of jobs may not align with your value system, and you may find it difficult develop any sort of workplace spirituality.
Instead, choose a career that focuses on your core beliefs. If you want to do something that gives back to the world, focus your skills so that you can do work that fulfills that.
If you are already on a certain career path, you can always look into working for companies that strive to make the world a better place. Pay attention to what the company stands for. Who are they helping, and how are they treating people both inside and outside the company?
Do research on any company that you are interviewing with. Ask questions during the interview process to see if the organization aligns with your spirituality. Know exactly what you are getting into before you accept the job. Look at their websites and annual reports. What is their mission statement, their vision for the company, and what are their core values? Are the company’s actions keeping with the values that they preach?
2. Look at things positively
Learn to let go of negativity at work. Whether it’s a criticism from a colleague, people complaining about their jobs to you, or dealing with a disgruntled client, try to look for the positives.
If you are able to take frustrating situations and bring light to them, you will be better at your job, and you will treat those around you better. Try to use positive words when you talk about the situation. Analyze why it is making you feel a certain way, then move on from it.
3. Treat others well
It’s a simple thing that is often overlooked in the workplace. Treat others how you would like to be treated. Say please and thank you. Tell people you appreciate the work that they do. Pay others compliments.
Bringing this kind of kindness to the workplace can be contagious. Not only will it make you more positive, but it allows you to spread joy to others.
4. Take some time for yourself
Have moments of silence throughout the day. This may mean putting some headphones in for a few moments or taking a walk outside to clear your head.
Work on incorporating things like meditation, prayer, or mantras into your work day, depending on the sort of spirituality you practice. These are things that can be done at your desk without anyone even noticing. They can be quick moments throughout the day that bring you back to your spirituality and allow you to focus better at work.
5. Get to know your coworkers
Who are the people that you work with? Would getting to know each other promote a more cohesive environment?
Getting to know what’s important to those around you can only benefit the business—whether it’s a work issue or something that is happening in their personal lives. Sometimes people need someone to talk to, and if you sense that in a coworker, offer an ear. The more you learn about your coworkers, the more you will be able to sympathize with them.
6. Speak to your boss about ideas you have to spread workplace spirituality
Consider how your company can do more for the community you are in. How can they contribute to the betterment of the world in some small way?
Think about things that the company can do to improve the workplace spirituality for the employees. What are some ideas that could help make employees feel like their work actually matters?
Come up with a few ideas that align with the company’s values and bring them to your supervisor. Be passionate about it. Have a clear understanding of what will be required of the company and how this will not only make the community better, but also how it will improve the business.
7. Be mindful
Be aware of your actions and how they affect those around you. Think about what you are saying and the words you are using before you speak them. Take care with your words and actions. Notice how other people react to them. Notice how others in the office treat one another, and think of ways you can improve this.
Being mindful of yourself is one of the most valuable things you can do to bring your spirituality to work with you each day. If you are fully aware of your actions and words, you will make decisions that align with your values.
8. Put people first
When you foster a work environment where you put your colleagues and staff first, you make people feel valued. When people feel valued at work, they work even harder.
Put your customers first. Listen to what they want and figure out ways that you can help and connect with them even more than you do now.
Nurture relationships with everyone in the business. This includes employees, customers, and suppliers. When people feel that they are working with someone who cares for them, they want to stay loyal. This is great for the business, but it’s also just nice to be nice.
9. Find others who feel the same
Find others in your workplace who share the same beliefs and values as you do. It is always nice to have someone at work that you can share ideas with.
If you don’t feel comfortable speaking about your spirituality at work, discuss it with your friends that you have outside of the office. Ask them how they implement spirituality at work without making others around them uncomfortable.
10. Slow down
Sometimes life can move so fast we stop paying attention to our spirituality and our values. We’ve all been in situations where we make snap decisions, say things we don’t mean, or act in ways we’re not proud of.
Slow down when you can. Take care in every action that you do, every decision that you make, and every word that you speak. Remember that they all have repercussions. Take on one thing at a time instead of trying to multitask.
Even when it feels like it’s impossible to slow down, simply take a moment and step back from the situation. Take a few deep breaths. Slowing down is easier than you think.
11. Take stock regularly
At the end of each week, each month, or even just at the end of each day, think about how you can add more spirituality to your daily life. Think about your actions over that period of time and reflect on whether they were the right ones. Learn from those reflections and take that forward to try to improve.
No one is perfect and we are all learning how to practice our value system in different real-life situations. It’s very easy to think about how you will react to certain situations, but the reality is usually very different.
Take stock regularly of how you are applying your values to your practice of spirituality at work.
No matter what your beliefs or values are, it is important to carry them with you both in your personal life and when you’re at work. Be true to yourself, and if you feel that you are not able to carry your values with you at work, then it may be time to find somewhere that you can.
This article first appeared in Discovery Mood & Anxiety Program Blog |